Tag Archives: British Horseracing

Training in Saudi Arabia

BARTA’s Jim Green and Dr Nigel Haizelden recently travelled to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to support the Saudi Equestrian Authority (SEA). As well as a racecourse and equine hospital, there are around 15,000 horses in the immediate area, many who suffer injury through transportation and road traffic collisions. Sponsored by the SEA, training was available for trainers, vets and emergency service workers. Over 3 days of training 100 delegates came to learn, generating a huge level of wider interest. Jim said, “The opportunity to demonstrate the value of preparing for emergencies involving animals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was a huge privilege for both Nigel and myself. At the recent BARTA conference we welcomed members of initiatives from around the world and we are excited to develop new collaborations with our friends and colleagues in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia … Continue reading

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New Equine Casualty Techniques Trainer Module

In what is believed to be a worlds first, Jockey Club Racing (JCR) are the first organisation to develop ground staff members to deliver internal training in techniques which will support animal and human welfare during foreseeable incidents on and off the field of play. Since 2022 BARTA have been training racecourse teams across the Uk following new rules by the British Horseracing Authority who specified the need for training and equipment to deal with incidents involving horse or jockey. Following initial training of over 400 racecourse staff, BARTA have developed a train the trainer course for selected team members in order for them to maintain standards and provide initial and maintenance of skills training across the JCR group. BARTA’s Jim Green and Ady Knight led the training which took place at Cheltenham racecourse.Jim said, “It has been wonderful to … Continue reading

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New Techniques for Racecourse Incident Response Teams in action!

Training by the British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association (BARTA) contributed to the success of an incident involving a racehorse named Battle Cry, who flipped over backwards in the starting stalls before a race at Doncaster last week. Racecourse Veterinary Surgeon Nigel Haizelden was immediately on scene and worked with the stalls team to swiftly resolve the situation which if not dealt with effectively, could have resulted in injury to the horse and those around it. Nigel sedated Battle Cry, to calm the situation and prevent him panicking. The stalls team immediately removed adjacent horses to create space and make it safe to work around the horse, placing a head sheet under him to protect his face and eye as he lay on the ground. A rescue strap was threaded around his chest and he was quickly slid from … Continue reading

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