Monthly Archives: October 2017

Resquip Cow Mannequin

BARTA have been working with Tony Ward and the team at Resquip Ltd to develop a new addition to their range. BARTA are pleased to announce that the Resquip Cow Mannequin has achieved BARTA Approved status. Resquip Limited exists to provide high quality, versatile, and affordable rescue training equipment to the emergency services, training organisations and all those involved in the provision of rescue and disaster management training programmes. The first cow mannequin was delivered to the Ady Knight, Animal Rescue Manager at Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. Ady said “This is a great addition for our scenario based training. Large animal rescue is recognised as one of the most dangerous activities a firefighter will be engaged in and so specialised training and equipment is essential”. The Cow Mannequin is made from a high quality, abrasion resistant polymer and is … Continue reading

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