Who we are

BARTA is a Community Interest Company, designed to collaborate with and benefit a range of stakeholder groups to advance practices in support of people and animals during emergencies and other traumatic events. BARTA’s Operations Director reports to the BARTA Board, who in turn are accountable to the trustees of our parent charity. 

BARTA became a subsidiary of The Horse Trust charity in 2019 to ensure long term stability and sustainability. The Horse Trust vision is to support horses in crisis and those who help horses in crisis, through education and training.

Our wider BARTA community wouldn’t exist without the many dedicated people who contribute their time, skills and expertise across all species groups to help us fulfil our vision, inspiring excellence in animal response.

Meet the Team

Jim Green

BARTA Director of Operations

Neil Rae

BARTA Projects & Development Manager

Teri England

Training and Events Coordinator

BARTA Board of Directors

Nicola Housby-Skeggs

BARTA Board Chair, Veterinary Director, The Horse Trust

Prof Josh Slater

BARTA co-founder, Head of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Melbourne

Ms Jeanette Allen

BARTA Board member, CEO, The Horse Trust

Mr David Cook

BARTA Board member, Treasurer, The Horse Trust

Mrs Claire Lett

BARTA Board member, Finance Director, The Horse Trust

Mr James Sawyer

BARTA Board member, Principle Consultant, Europe, Oxford HR

Steve Foye - MCMI, MIFE

Non-Executive Director