Seminars and Conferences
Over the years BARTA has held and been involved in some amazing events that have helped forge relationships and drive innovation. This area is dedicated to highlighting those experts and organisations that we have connected with through those events and sharing the lessons learnt.
BARTA / UC Davis – California 2017
BARTA held our 2017 event in partnership with UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in California. This was an exciting opportunity for continuing our vision of building relationships and developing best practice. In the short set of films Professor Josh Slater reflects on the highlights, main themes and the take home messages from the conference:
Changing and Challenging Cultures
Communication and Vocabulary
Audit, Research and Evidence
Scope and Vision
Learning Needs and Evidence Gaps
BARTA UC Davis 2017 Presentations
- Legacies to Progress – Building a Community
- Rebecca Gimenez (TLAER)
- A Vision for Safer Equine Transport
- Emma Punt (BARTA Research Lead)
- Equine Stress – What are the Answers to Safer Rescues?
- Eric Davis (IAWTI, UC Davis)
- Agricultural Fire Safety Solutions – Setting New Standards
- Brad Wilson (Triangle Fire Safety and EquiProtect)
- Community Outreach – Tailoring Community Resilience Programs
- Ragan Adams (Colorado State University)
- Integrating the Volunteer Animal Support Component-Practical Considerations
- John Maretti (North Valley Animal Disaster Group)
- Case Study – Oroville Dam Emergency
- John Maretti (North Valley Animal Disaster Group)
- Supporting Community Resilience Programs
- Julie Atwood (HALTER Project)
- Animal Rescue Response and Techniques – Animals as a ‘Cross-cutter’
- Jim Green (BARTA) and Julie Fiedler (Horse SA)
- Animal Handling/Psychology – Tailoring to the Role of the Responder
- Neil Rae (BARTA) and Ronnie Jeffrey (Farm Kennels)
- Small Animal Immediate Emergency Care (IEC) – For Who, to What Level and Under What Legal Authority
- Guillaume l. Hoareau (Clinical Investigation Facility, Travis Air Force Base)
- Role of the Modern Veterinarian – The Modern Student’s View
- Casie Lee and Hayley Dieckmann (Veterinary Student, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis)
- Veterinary Education for Emergency and Disasters
- Dr Rebecca McConnico (Professor and Veterinarian – Louisiana Tech University)
- Considerations for Lifting Large Animals (presentation not currently available)
- Dr John Madigan and Dr Monica Aleman
- BARTA INTERNATIONAL – Developing Worldwide Best Practices and Building Communities and Resources
- Jim Green (BARTA Director of Operations)
- What is a BARTA Vet? – The Journey to Provide BARTA Vets in the Community
- Josh Slater (Director, BARTA, RVC Professor of Equine Clinical Studies and Director of Equine Hospital)
- Critical Incident Stress Management – Application to the Veterinarian
- Steve Foye (Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service)
- Managing Risk in a No Blame Culture – How to Apply Learning and Move Forward Stronger
- Steve Foye (Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service)
BARTA Conference – Prague 2015
Horse SA Conference 2013
In 2013 Josh and Jim represented BARTA at the Horse SA conference and have continued to have close links with the organisation working together and sharing ideas.
To find out more about the work they do, click on the logo to visit the Horse SA site.