Josh graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1985 and spent 4 years in equine practice before moving to a residency, then PhD, lectureship and then a senior lectureship in equine medicine at the University of Cambridge.
In 2005 Josh moved to the Royal Veterinary College, London as professor of equine clinical studies. He is a past president of the British Equine Veterinary Association, the European College of Equine Internal Medicine the Federation of European Equine Veterinary Associations and is the chairman of the Horse Trust.
Josh was biosecurity advisor for the 2008 Equestrian Olympic Games, the London 2012 Equestrian Olympic Games and the 2014 World Equestrian Games.
Josh co-founded BARTA and has been a veterinary lead in the large animal rescue initiative in the UK from the start. Working with Jim he has been instrumental in promoting joint training and working between the veterinary profession and the Fire and Rescue Service and is a veterinary representative on the National Fire Chiefs Council – Animal Rescue Practitioner Forum.
Josh is currently Head of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the University of Melbourne.