BARTA Small Animal Trauma Guidelines Highly Commended by RCVS

The RCVS Knowledge Awards for Quality Improvement showcase the implementation of Quality Improvement techniques which drive improvement within the profession. The fifth RCVS Knowledge Awards focusing on QI were awarded in 2023.

BARTA were recognised under the Highly Commended, Ones to Watch criteria, citing the provision of evidence-based guidelines and training for emergency first responders to provide pre-veterinary immediate care and developing a handover checklist to use when handing over to veterinary professionals.

BARTA Director Jim Green thanks all of the contributors to this essential work.
“Emergency responders frequently encounter animals in the course of their operational duties, many of whom, like their owners, are suffering trauma and distress.
BARTA are working on a suite of materials to support emergency responders in providing lifesaving pre veterinary care to animals caught up in emergency or disaster.
The first stage was to provide evidence based guidance for smoke inhalation and oxygen therapy.
The working group for this project is made up of a wide range of experts from small animal critical care specialists who provide essential clinical advice and governance, through to community based veterinary professionals, emergency responders, animal behaviourists and welfare charities.
This is a long term commitment to providing role specific training to those on the frontline and improving outcomes for people and animals.
I’d particularly like to thank Dr Adam Mugford for leading this collaborative effort and all the experts who are giving up their own time to support the project “